Wild about Nature

Help wildlife and connect to nature with our fun activities.

You can also explore the local countryside with the help of our Parks and Green spaces and walking pages and find out more about what Frome Town Council is doing to protect with environment and how you can help on our Wildlife and Biodiversity pages.

Great Big Green Week 2024 – what’s on

Great Big Green Week back in Frome this June Frome is taking part in Great Big Green Week …

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Wild about nature – Milk bottle watering cans

With COP26 earlier in November, we’ve been thinking even more than usual about the little things we can …

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Wild about nature – recycled planters

October is a great time of year to start thinking ahead to your spring garden and the flowers …

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Wild about nature – Create a simple bird feeder

Feel like getting creative with the kids and down with nature this weekend? Why not make a loo-roll …

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Wild about nature – den building

Building dens outdoors is a great activity to do as a family as it helps kids build problem-solving …

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Wild about nature – planting pips

Have fun and experiment with planting pips from the fruit and veg you eat. This simple activity is …

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Wild about nature – build a planting wigwam

The sunny weather has finally arrived which makes it the perfect opportunity to get out in your garden …

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Wild about nature – using old wellies as planters

Gardening is a great way to connect with nature for your wellbeing, and it doesn’t need to mean …

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Wild about nature – plant seeds in recycled egg boxes

Planting season is in full bloom and you might be thinking about how you can give your garden …

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Wild about Nature – Bug hotels

This our last Wild about Nature activity for now – we hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as …

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Wild about nature – Flower fairies

This week’s Wild about Nature activity is all about imagination. Have a go at making your own flower …

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Wild about nature – Nature sculptures

Our Wild About Nature activity this time is one you can do any time, anywhere for free – …

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