Wild about Nature: Minibeasts Scavenger Hunt

We’ve got another checklist for you to print off and take out into the wild. This time we’re asking you to hunt for minibeasts in your garden or any park or green space. Many of our parks in Frome have “Wild About Frome” signs, making them the perfect place to start your minibeast search as bugs love these wildflowers and plants.

This is a great activity to help kids learn about nature and the roles bugs play in the natural world. You could even bring along a book to learn about each minibeast you find, or make a list to read more about them once you get home.

If you haven’t completed it yet, take along the Garden Scavenger Hunt too for even more to look out for. You can take photos or draw pictures of the bugs you find. Can you spot any that aren’t on our list?

Somerset Wildlife Trust have a search tool for identifying bugs which you can use to find out more about any mystery discoveries.

Get the Minibeasts Scavenger Hunt checklist

Don’t forget to take some photos or draw pictures of the minibeasts you find and tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Check out other Wild about Nature activities here.
