Wild about nature – Recycle egg boxes to plant seeds

There are lots of seeds you can plant this time of year that will love the warmth and sunshine. Get planting this weekend and you’ll have big, healthy plants before you know it – and can enjoy eating home-grown herbs and salad leaves later in the Summer.

Egg boxes are perfect to recycle for starting some seeds in.  It’s a cheap and effective way to get growing on a warm windowsill.

what you'll need for an egg box seed planterMaterials:

  • 1 or more egg boxes depending on how many seeds you want to grow
  • Some seeds (we recommend herbs)
  • Compost or seed compost/soil (empty into a container to make it easier for little hands to dig)
  • A trowel/spoon – or get your hands dirty!
  • Watering can

Fill your egg box with soil using a trowel, spoon or your hands


  1. Cut the top off your egg box, and use the bottom half (where the eggs go) to plant seeds in, and the top half as a tray to keep it strong
  2. Fill the egg box with soil/compost
  3. Make a hole with your finger in each section and place in the seeds
  4. Cover the seeds with some soil
  5. Water the seeds slowly and gently
  6. Place on a window sill in a sunny spot
  7. Check on your seeds and seedlings every day, and water them when the soil is dry
  8. When the plants are 3- 5 cm high transplant either into a pot or plant in the ground depending what seeds they are

Don’t forget to take a photo of your planted egg box and seedlings and tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Check out other Wild about Nature activities here.
