An event every month that begins at 6:30pm on day 27 of the month, repeating until 27th Nov 2023
The Full and New Moon Sound Baths allows us to honour the cyclical nature of the moon together. As the lunar energy increases from the New Moon towards the Full Moon, perfect conditions are created for planting seeds, launching new ideas and to really consider the qualities we want to grow in our lives.
The Gong strengthens the parasympathetic nervous system, tunes up the glandular system and slows the brain waves down, creating sound conditions for deep relaxation and healing.
During the Full Moon Sound Meditation, there will be a meditation to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong. Then lying down in relaxation, an affirmation (sankalpa) can be acknowledged during the led practice of Yoga Nidra, which will lead into the Gong Bath; inviting the seeds of our intentions to grow and manifest. Then you will be bathed and soothed with sacred song, acoustic guitar, percussion and silence.
No experience required for this workshop, all are welcome. Bring a mat, wear warm clothes and blanket.
We are in the process of redeveloping the Discover Frome website, and invite you to share your views on the current site with us.