Frome WI

Frome WI meet at Frome Cricket Club, Rodden Road on the third Monday of every month at 7.30pm.
No Jam or Jerusalem but they do eat cake whilst enjoying a varied programme of monthly meetings
They also have a book group and members organise occasional outings but most importantly it’s about making friends and discovering new interests. Members range from aged mid 30s to mid 70s. Time in Frome varies from “since birth” to arrived last week.
The potential for a WI is limitless – originally the organisation was established to promote friendship and education for women but it quickly generated the ability to campaign on issues of significance to its membership. There are 12 current campaigns that WIs are taking action on addressing including various health, justice and environmental issues. “Campaigning” takes many forms – just talking with friends and family about an issue, as a result of learning about it, is positive action which can have unexpected and wide ranging results.
The world of WI is huge and you can access as much or as little as suits you.