In what’s set to be another wonderful day to remember, and with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and free entry, this will be a fantastic day out and an opportunity to discover a little more about our school and what makes this event different from other Christmas fairs.
Our fairs are months in the making to ensure a fabulous event for children and adults alike with parents working their magic to transform Rook Lane into a place of advent wonder. Fun activities will include candle dipping, wreath making, puppet shows, storytelling, potion making, lucky-dip wizard, raffle and much more. Unique and hand-crafted Christmas gifts can be found at our artisan stalls including pottery, hand made clothes, quality toys, natural cosmetics, food treats and beautifully illustrated children’s books. The children’s stall will ensure that little ones can buy their Christmas gifts affordably with their pocket money.
Older pupils of the Academy will run their own charity fundraising stalls. Enjoy delicious lunch and homemade cakes in our cafe, sourced with quality local ingredients. The music line-up includes some very special folk & classical performances from our talented parental body. It may even be that King Winter himself pays a visit to our storytelling grotto!
Entry is free. All Welcome!